Bad Breeding – Exiled
From: £9.99
Available on CD and Single Black Vinyl
Bad Breeding – Exiled
Release Date: 21 June 2019. Available on CD and single black vinyl.
The brand new album from uncompromising Stevenage punk band Bad Breeding. Read the band’s statement on the album below:
“There are homeless young people in Stevenage town centre and in order to feed themselves they are begging people for money. There is a food bank in Stevenage. It provides meals to families who can’t afford them; many of them are in work. Demand for the food bank’s services, funded and staffed by the generosity of local working-class people, has increased rapidly over the last three years. Yet Stevenage is just over thirty miles from one of the richest cities on earth.
“There is no complexity or ambiguity to these facts – they are a deep, visceral shame on the political forces that have held power for the last forty years. They are not circumstances visited on us by some remote force like the weather. They happened because of savage ideological choices designed to humiliate and psychologically kneecap the great majority of us who are the victims in this sickening charade.
“There is resistance in the face of the brutality. The quiet dignity with which communities have borne this violence and sought to staunch the bleeding wherever possible is one. The inarticulate outbursts of rage, collective and progressive or isolated and reactionary, are another. But neither the coping mechanisms of the kind, or the refusal to cooperate from the rebels, can bring change quickly enough. The entrenched logic of capital and the callousness it breeds within us lies like a suffocating smog over our towns, choking out the sun and the infant cries of our aspirations.
“In these desperate circumstances it is still seen as puerile utopianism to demand that children go to school fed or that young people might have a place to live not at the mercy of a venal landlord or a change in circumstance. Basic human empathy is treated like an unfortunate weakness.
1. Exiled
2. Reposession
3. Raking Through The Screed
4. Clear Blue Water
5. Whose Cause?
6. Theatre of Work
7. C.S.A.M
8. Breaking Wheel
9. Brave New Church
10. A Rag Hung Between Two Trees
11. Interlude
12. Tortured Reality